Internet Domain Survey, January 1996

Number of Hosts, Domains, and Nets

                                      Replied      Network Class
     Date  |      Hosts   Domains     ToPing*      A     B      C
     Jan 96|  9,472,000   240,000   1,682,000     92  5655  87924

     Jul 95|  6,642,000   120,000   1,149,000     91  5390  56057
     Jan 95|  4,852,000    71,000     970,000     91  4979  34340

     Oct 94|  3,864,000    56,000   1,024,000     93  4831  32098
     Jul 94|  3,212,000    46,000     707,000     89  4493  20628
     Jan 94|  2,217,000    30,000     576,000     74  4043  16422

     Oct 93|  2,056,000    28,000                 69  3849  12615
     Jul 93|  1,776,000    26,000     464,000     67  3728   9972
     Apr 93|  1,486,000    22,000     421,000     58  3409   6255
     Jan 93|  1,313,000    21,000                 54  3206   4998
     [* estimated by pinging 1% of all hosts]

Detailed Survey Data

Produced by Network Wizards
Permission is granted to reproduce this survey data provided that you mention it was produced by Network Wizards and that the data is available on the Internet at